Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Problem

Ok, so I know I was slacking this weekend. I had a lot of things to do. But now I will explain the basis of my project. A short history, and description of the problem....

America was found by immigrants. Thousands of people from all different cultures came here to start a new life for their families and to be free. But, when too many people come to exploit this freedom, a problem is formed. In 1942, The Bracero Progam was created. This program allowed Mexican people to legally come to our country and work, due to the labor shortages from World War II (Orrenius 4). (Work Cited page to come soon) When the Mexicans were allowed to come over they did more than take advantage. Soon it was hard for an American to find a job. The Bracero Program was abolished in 1964. So for 22 years Mexican immigrants came into America. They did more than work though. They formed lives and made more money than they could dream about in Mexico. After the ending of the worker program, Mexicans came illegally. But who wouldn't? After a taste of freedom, wouldn't you want more? There are laws upon laws forbidding these people to come into the U.S. freely but they will go to extreme measures to come.

Smuggling is one form of crossing the Mexico-U.S. border illegally. This is very dangerous, especially for the person who agreed to smuggle them in. These people are called coyotes. The advantages to being a coyote is the large amounts of money they are paid. Their job is very risky. If caught, they could face jail time. There is a video I watched on FoxNews.com of a migrant floating down the river to come to America. I can't seem to link it in here but here is the address if you feel like copying and pasting.

And this is a graph showing the percentages of illegal immigrants in the US.


Buba said...

your racist

Buba said...

your racist

shanonan31522 said...

Can you please explain?

Anonymous said...

Despite what "Buba" said i think you did an excellent job defining your problem and STAYING away from sound racist at all. Clearly with a name like "Buba" he lacks the intelligence to read a blog with purpose and substance. Good work with the citings and pictures-flows well with your blog.

Buba said...

Braw 1206 your a stupid bitch get a life you red neck fucking fag